Online Giving

Christian Stewardship

Stewardship is the management of another's possessions. (Psalms 50:10-12)  Possessions may be abstract or concrete, spiritual or material. Stewardship involves the totality of life expressed in four principal areas (1 Peter 4:10; Gen.1:28): 

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2025 Canadian Offering Calendar

2025 Offertory Readings

Stewardship Weekly Videos

2025 Stewpot Readings

Personal Giving Calculator 

Adventist Giving Online

Adventist Giving online allows you to return your tithe and give your offerings online while you do your online banking, are on a long business trip, on vacation, or even if you are unable to attend church due to an illness.  

But most important of all, if you desire to give back to the Lord all of your first fruits as soon as you have them, you can do it immediately through Adventist Giving.


Adventist Giving Online Tutorial

Click on thhis title and the tutorial will be displayed. You may print the tutorial if you wish.


Weekly Offering Focus

The "Offering Focus" changes every week. The "Loose Offerings" collected each Sabbath go towards the weekly offering focus. The first and third Sabbath offerings are for our Local Church Budget.

We pray that we will all continue to give offerings to our Local Church Budget (also called Combined Church Budget) every time we return our Tithe. The Local Church Budget offerings support our local church expenses. We have not given an offering if we only return the Tithe. The Tithe belongs to God.  All the Tithes collected are sent to the Ontario Conference for biblically assigned purposes.

The suggested giving guide for our Local Church Budget is 3-5% of our income.

The focus of this Sabbath's loose offering is for: 

    Local Church Budget

 if you are unable to attend in-person church the following giving options are available: 

  • e-Transfer (Interac) facility from your own Bank Account to email address "" using Mount Zion Filipino as the Contact name. Passcode is not required since your e-transfer is automatically deposited into the Church Bank account. If cell phone no. is needed, use 647-466-0430, otherwise leave it blank.  It is also important that you fill in the "Message Box" with the breakdown of your giving (i.e. Tithe, Combined Church Budget (CCB), Ontario Advance, SS Mission, etc.)

  • Regular Mail - you may also send your cheque to Nenita Robes, 135 Casabel Drive, Vaughan, Ontario L6A 3L3.

  • Pastor's Office drop off - you may also drop off your tithe envelope in the church with Pastor Ardz Bernardo every  Wednesday from 2:00 - 7:00 p.m. or 1st & 3rd Sunday from 11:00 a.m. to 2:p.m. 


Church Financial Support Is Divided Into Five Key Areas:


Where do the tithes and offerings go?

How much should I give?


For the support of pastors, evangelists, Bible Teachers, and Administrators.

Biblically mandated as 10% of our income

Local Church Budget

Church operating expenses, children's magazines, teaching supplies, worthy student fund and school subsidy, church bulletins, utilities, maintenance, insurance, etc.

My Personal Giving Plan suggests three to five percent of our income.

Conference Advance

Christian education, local evangelism, Vacation Bible Schools, monthly Union magazines, summer camps, and much more.

My Personal Giving Plan suggests one to two percent of our income.

World Budget

General Conference medical and educational institutions, world mission support, and evangelism.

My Personal Giving Plan suggests one to three percent of our income.

Special Projects

Capital campaigns for church or school projects, mission trips, supporting ministries, etc.

As God has prospered.


   2019 - 2021 Offering Readings